When you have made a decision to explore exclusion solutions for wildlife control you’ll discover a variety of options, including plastic mesh barriers, chemical repellants, and different metallic screens. Naturally, each option has an ideal situation for application and use, and knowing which options will work best for you and your property can be a little bit overwhelming.
Exclusion solutions are generally determined by the particular wild pest at issue, as well as the exact structural locations that need to be protected on each structure. Are you dealing with a chimney or skylight opening that looks inviting to bats and birds? Do you live in an area where squirrels, raccoons and possums have become so familiar with humans that they come right up onto decks and entry ways? Are feral cats making themselves at home in your yard?
Each one of these situations calls for a different exclusion solution, here's some guidance:
- If you are dealing with chimney or attic openings that may be vulnerable to bats and birds, as well as squirrels, cats and raccoons, you will have a number of animal control screens to consider. Chimney, skylight, and vent guards are constructed of metal mesh screening, bent and formed into square, rectangular, round and oval shapes to suit the particular application. The size and shape of the metal screen guard is only one consideration, however. The type of metal and the finish applied to the metal will also figure into the cost, appearance, functionality and longevity of service you can expect from each choice. Another issue is, of course, application. For instance, a metal mesh chimney cap may need to be screwed into masonry, metal or composite shingles over wood.
- If you are dealing with wildlife, particularly small mammals that have become inured to the comings and goings of humans and their pets, then you have a situation that cannot be solved by typical exclusionary methods. You cannot very well put screen mesh over openings that you and your family and your pets have to use daily. But there are special thresholds, foam sealants, chemical deterrents and metallic mesh applications to use on and around doorways and windows in order to discourage unwanted animal visitors. You may need professional advice if deer, possums, raccoons and feral cats have become too bold too often in your area. The damage to gardens, landscape plants, homes and buildings, as well as the ever-present danger of rabies and other disease should put you on high alert and motivate you to get some help.
- Animals looking for warmth may be attracted to a variety of entry points, including a standard dryer vent on the outside of your house. You can effectively block potential entrances with the use of metal mesh caps designed especially for dryer vents, heat and air conditioner condensation pipes, water heater pressure relief drains, radon remediation pipes and basement windows. Plastic screen mesh is a cheaper but less effective alternative because cats and other determined wildlife pests can easily scratch and chew through it.
Remember, you need to focus on the particular wildlife, the particular vulnerable areas of your home and other buildings and the type of wildlife control solution you prefer.